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Pyranometer with silicon photodiode

97% of the solar energy that reaches above the atmosphere (WMO) is limited to a spectral range of 290 nm to 3000 nm. The ideal instrument for measuring this radiation should have a flat response at least in this spectral range. The spectral characteristics of this pyranometer are determined mainly by the photodiode. The instrument has a 5m fixed cable and open wires at the end of the cable, typical power 20 µV / (W / m2). Different cable lengths are available on request.

Pyranometer class A, according to ISO 9060: 2018 with shadow ring for measuring only diffuse radiation.

All pyranometers in this series are based on the "thermopile" principle and are very accurate. This principle provides a µV signal without the need for power. In order to be able to transmit the signal over a longer distance and to prevent interference, types with an integrated transmitter are mainly used. When using a 4-20 mA, 0-10 Vdc or RS485 Modbus-RTU output, an active power supply is required. The output of these series is always connected to W / m2, which makes it possible to relate to the total surface of the solar panel. All our pyranometers are made in such a way that the electrical system is completely isolated from the housing, which makes it possible to mount the pyranometer on any (metal) surface.

Class B pyranometer (first class)

Spectral flat pyranometer of class B (first class) according to ISO 9060: 2018. The sensor is very suitable for measuring the incoming global solar radiation (0.3μm ... 3μm spectral range). The series of sensors is designed to provide a very stable and accurate solution for measuring solar energy and to be used for research.

Sunshine sensor

The sunshine sensor measures the hours of the sun indirectly, using a simple equation based on the total PAR radiation (Photosynthetically active radiation) and the ratio of the total to the direct PAR. This solar algorithm meets the threshold of the World Met Office of 120 W / m-2 in the sun's rays for the duration of sunlight. The solar sensor does not have to be adjusted or moved to track the sun - an obvious advantage over shadow ring devices.


The albedometers consist of two pyranometers that are mounted back to back. The albedometer measures in two directions; one pyranometer is turned up (measurement of global solar radiation), the other pyranometer is turned down (measurement of reflective solar radiation). Albedo is part of the solar radiation that is reflected from the earth in relation to the incident radiation. Using albedometers, you can calculate the net radiation obtained by the difference between the incident global radiation and the reflected global radiation.

NET radiation meter

NET radiation is defined as the difference between the radiation that reaches the upper surface and the radiation on the lower surface of the radiometer network. When using the upper receiver of direct solar radiation plus scattering and radiation at longer wavelengths, radiation from the sky (clouds), while the lower zone when accepting the measurement of reflections from the earth's solar radiation (albedo) and is due to radiation waves of radiation .The instrument is designed and engineered for use in detection in all weather conditions.

Radiometric sensor for measuring UVA radiation

Radiometric probe for measuring radiation in the UVA spectral range 315 nm… 400 nm, peak at 360 nm, quartz diffuser for cosine correction. Measuring range: 1.0 • 10-³ W / m² ... 2000 W / m². Cable length 2 m.

Radiometric sensor for measuring UVB radiation

Radiometric probe for measuring radiation in the UVB spectral range 280 nm… 315 nm, peak at 305 nm… 310 nm, quartz diffuser for cosine correction. Measuring range: 1.0 • 10-³ W / m² ... 2000 W / m². Cable length 2 m.

Radiometric sensor for measuring the closing in the UVC wavelength

Radiometric probe for measuring radiation in the UVC spectral range 220 nm ... 280 nm, peak at 260 nm, quartz diffuser for cosine correction. Measuring range: 1.0 • 10-³ W / m² ... 2000 W / m². Cable length 2 m complete with SICRAM module.

For more information about the instruments, as well as for the preparation of an individual offer, you could contact us by email: or you could send your inquiry directly.